Second Life has been described to me as many things, but I think it simply comes down to the fact that it is a virtual place where internet users can create a virtual "self" in order to participate in a virtual world and interact with other avatars. In fact, NPR reported that last week's worldwide stock market roller coaster ride even managed to ripple through the virtual world as well. Whether or not the creation of alter egos in a virtual world is beneficial or harmful to the well-being of students, I am still unsure, but this issue of literacy development should concern us all.
Warlick notes that students learn the skills of navigation, interaction, presentation, and communication, and while I agree that all of these skills are important to the success of

However, I must admit that I am a little intrigued to hear more about Second Life's potential creation of an educational world. Aren't you?
Image Citations:
Remeta. (2007 December 29). Second Life logo. Remeta's Photostream. Retrieved on January 27, 2008, from http://www.flickr.com/photos/remeta/2146826566/
Lamar, N. (2007 February 27). Second Life avatars in world literature. North Lamar's Photostream. Retrieved on January 27, 2008, from http://www.flickr.com/photos/blazingdaze/404848910/
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